Living in the Present

I was reading today about the honey bee. The Bee travels from flower to flower and never takes anything that would mar the image of the flower. The flower maintains its beauty and the Bee retrieves what it needs, but never more than that while contributing to a very complex goal. 

Should I be like the Bee? 

If I am to learn from the past, a time when accumulation was important to me and not worry about the future where the need has not yet arrived, then what do I truly need? I need to love self, I need to feed myself, both physically and spiritually, and that is all I really need. Of course I am not ignorant to the fact that I live in the USA and I need a home with address and such. However, if I remain silent within, true to self, and live in the present, this moment will pass into the next and I will be there too. 

I have spent so much time looking behind me and in front, that sometimes I forget where I am. To nurture my soul, my being, and by taking proper care with this vessel I have been given is to be aware. 

I do not know what tomorrow lays in store for me. I cannot tell what the future holds, so why would I live there? If I were to take the energy that has been given to the past and the future, and applied it to the present, wouldn't that be a better use of it that energy?

What do I want to do today? 

I want to live here, in the moment, like it is my first and last breath . . . precious and one of a kind, for each moment is unique but I think it is important to make this moment a building block for the future; an essential part of its success. 

Hold up a minute. Does that sound a little unrealistic and idealistic since there are so many things that need to be considered each day. Plans are made for the future whether they be appointments, work schedules, concerts, travel plans, and and and, but if we get too caught up in what is going to happen how do we live in the present?

I was in a relationship where I would like to make plans for future trips and create a strategy to save money for the expenses that would be incurred. My partner loathed this side of me saying that I was a dreamer and nothing would ever come of those plans and instead wanted to always spend all available funds in the moment. Of course when spending money in the moment there can be a sense of fulfilment but for me it usually felt like loss and if there were a feeling of excitement and "things" bought it was always temporary. The loss was more profound since nothing tangible to me ever was experienced (seeing new things, meeting new people, exposing myself to new cultures)  and then nothing truly ever happens because those things bought in the moment decay and eventually were given away or forgotten in time. 

How can I take this experience into future dealings and create a balance of the present and future? I can learn from the past and obviously stay away from people that believe if you save money that you're just a dreamer who will never amount to anything along with following my heart by knowing what enriches me and that living full in the moment can contribute to an even more fulfilling future.

Saving money or planning is not a bad thing as it makes the present a valid reality for preparing for the future. It's not where one should live but it has to be acknowledged as we seek to make the most out of our temporary existence on this planet. To some it is about having all the latest gadgets and a lavish home, but for this simple man it is about experiencing this world, its people, the diversity of this planet which cannot be experienced in any other way than well, experiencing it. 

I'd like to spend my years contributing to that experience and to teach my daughter that this life is something more than we can comprehend. To love each moment to its fullest while contributing to future moments/memories. To be like the bee and work towards a goal bynot taking more than what is needed and in the end contributing to something that is amazing, complex, colorful and remarkable by taking simple deliberate steps. 

Learn from your mistakes and accomplishments, make better plans and decisions, and enjoy what this world and it's people have to offer and share. 



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