What's the Point of Free Will if You Can't Use It?

For those of you who remember Andy Rooney, imagine his voice here. What really is free will and is it possible in our society? Given all of the religious dogma, media influence, family influence and other influences that well...influence our decision making abilities, can we really expect that we're making our own authentic unfettered decisions? 

The Earth doesn't give a shit about tradition, timing, convenience, logic, or anything else, it moves forward regardless and adjusts accordingly based on nature. Humans on the other hand need to make sense of it all and naturally we created tales of history so we could sleep better at night.

A lot of history revolves around different depictions of a creator and how we must all obey and serve in order to have a better life after we are dead. To believe in God in the Western belief system is to believe that he created man to be of free will (If you need sourcing, email me and I will give you my KJV sources for all my references). This was to be different from The Angels who only knew to love God and to serve that omniscient being. To create or possess a being that exists only to serve you seems warped as it would void emotion and choice which is what makes the self aware so awe inspiring. 

To believe in this, is to accept that we are created to be of free will so we can love of our own accord. Love is very powerful, and extremely profound in our existence. To love freely is to not be bound by tradition but it is to be completely natural and open. You love simply because you are a loving being. When Western beliefs systems say that we are created of free will, by God and for God then that negates free will. We are beings of free will and that is great but when living within these belief systems, if we are to question our existence, then the words, "Do not question, just have faith" seem to arise and free will is pushed under the rug. It's the bait and switch.

Free will requires us to participate and ask questions. This is how we evolve as a species. If we ignore the exercise of free will then all the people who have suggested new ways of thinking, better ways of living, and more natural ways of being would be silenced and many have been.

There are so many things in the western way that we are not supposed to do. If we live and love, the things we not ought to do are evident and self revealing. Do I need to be told not to murder, not to covet, not to ...? What about what I should do? I feel that telling people what they not ought to do creates a presence of fear. If we live in fear can we live in love? People "love" God because of the consequences ingrained into us if we don't love AND serve him.

As a being of free will I choose to believe, not in the age old traditions of fear created by Man but I prefer to worry about my life here on Earth in the present and if there were a Father, who art in heaven then he's not my kind of person. 

My daughter is always welcome to go into eternity with me regardless of her path in life. It's not for me to "scare" her straight to heaven. Let's focus on living in the here and now as opposed to living in fear. Regardless of what religion we are, or what culture we come from, the truth is inside of you. We were born with it all inside of us, it is up to us to seek that which lies within us. It is unnatural to walk blindly, yet so many continue to do just that and they do it based on fear based ideology. 

Do not look to tradition for answers because tradition doesn't change. I have only in the last few years realized this and it is interesting to see how things have evolved. And until a big spaceship falls from the sky or Elvis appears alive and well in Vegas, I will live by the Golden Rule and I will not cease to ask questions about everything. 

Have a great day

These are just my thoughts.


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