Why Porn is Like Pizza

Porn has a really bad reputation, but why? Isn't it like any other habit; use it too much and it becomes a problem but in moderation it should be fine? It seems as if our society likes to encompass all pornography into the categories of distasteful and abusive behavior when that generalization creates an aggressive behavior to those of us that are not distasteful or abusive.

I enjoy watching porn and for the women in my life (which have been few) I have never degraded them nor has our love making been anything other than what love making should be. An intimate experience between two people who care for each other in a respectful and enjoyable manner. I hear society condemn anyone who watches porn yet champion men who go from woman to woman in their desire to feed an insatiable sexual appetite or who have used porn to increase their celebrity. I have a large sexual appetite but I do not take action on it with meaningless relationships, instead I have used porn to assist in releasing that sexual energy.

Porn comes in many shapes, sizes and categories. To condemn a person for liking porn is like generalizing pizza. I like pizza but it would be unfair for anyone to say that I like ALL pizza. There is a small percentage of pizzas that I enjoy among the thousands of combinations which could be created. I am a two topping type of person and I prefer Pepperoni and sometimes Green Peppers. I used to love Ham and Pineapple but give me pepperoni or give me death! It's the same with porn. I enjoy watching two attractive people making love (albeit it acting) where the moment is respectful intimacy. Yet, because I go to a site that has 99 toppings and I only want two, I am chastised for something I have only ever done in private.

The truth is a large majority of society enjoys porn but they enjoy it in ways that conceal its reality. For instance, look at "50 Shades of Grey" (Taylor-Johnson, 2015) a soft porn movie made for the silver screen depicting a young handsome billionaire and a naïve virgin who explore the world of S&M. The movie has been the top grossing movie of 2015 so far with sales of over $160 million! (Box Office Mojo, 2015) Of course being that this is a movie shown all over, there is the absence of penetration, but it is soft porn none the less. Yet because of the way this movie, and book, are packaged the term porn doesn't seem to apply to it. But it is still porn and has been dubbed as "Mommy Porn".

It would be ridiculous for me to argue that porn does not have some serious drawbacks. There is material out there that I find atrocious such as: bestiality, fisting, orgies, rough sex, public humiliation, S&M, necrophilia, and the list goes on. All of those descriptions are the mushrooms on my pizza. I detest mushrooms because of their foul stench, slimy texture, and atrocious flavor. I absolutely don't believe that the porn I have viewed would be a gateway to other porn like marijuana is not a gateway to other drugs or that pepperoni pizza is a gateway to other pizzas. It just doesn't work like that and I can say this with having nearly 35 years of porn under my belt.

My experience with porn started at an early age. I was around nine when I would find my mom's boyfriends and her magazines around the house such as Penthouse, Playboy, Gent, Juggs, Swank, Cheri and several others sitting in the magazine rack in the bathroom or somewhere around the house. Although I was really too young to understand intimacy I knew that I enjoyed the images and I quickly knew what I liked and what I did not like. More than two people in a scene did not appeal to me. Hands on the neck did not appeal to me. Aggressive behavior did not appeal to me and none of these things appeal to me presently. My experience with women has been all that I desired in intimacy and I have never crossed a line into something I was uncomfortable doing even though I have been asked. It doesn't appeal to me to be rough or abusive in any nature; whether or not it is consensual or not. If it doesn't sit right with my morality then I can't do it.  

With all of that being said, does it still make sense to use porn as an all encompassing word? It's unfair. Just like it is unfair to say Marijuana is in the same category as Cocaine, Crack, Meth, Heroine, Percocet, etc. or saying anchovies on a pizza is the same as pepperoni. Yuck!

My ex girlfriend would search my computer and find porn on it then use the word porn as an all encompassing word to chastise me and then use it as leverage to demean my character. She however would justify her downloading of gay porn and her viewing of straight porn when she would compare her vagina to porn starlets as research. She would ask why I would watch porn when she herself was the perfect body type and I couldn't truthfully answer her because it had nothing to do with her body. She and I had amazing intimacy but then it would turn into her saying I only used her for sex which was far from the case. She would get back together with me and say it is great to have a friend with benefits then for about two weeks we would have amazing sex, then she turned it against me and say we couldn't have sex anymore. That relationship was complicated by mental illness and that illness liked to say I used porn instead of her which would happen when she cut me off. I never did it when she was in the house and when I did, it was not a porn marathon, it was simply a means to an end. I wouldn't even download it to my computer unlike her but yet because she played the victim it was OK if she did so herself.

My mother likes to condemn me for the use of porn because of her own life choices which introduced me to the material in an unconventional way. Most boys who begin their journey into porn would do so through their Dad's playboy collection or perhaps a collection at the "Boys Only" fort where friends would flip through pages and gawk at the women on the pages. I was introduced by my Mother's own collection and that of her boyfriends. She also would wear her Penthouse t-shirt "Perfect 10" and was one of the first people to have breast augmentation surgery. She even made movies herself and was involved in prostitution and yet she would say things to me like: "If you look at porn you will become a rapist!" I guess my mom and all her boyfriends were rapists!

Porn is defined as something whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal. For myself this is pretty elementary and includes a slender woman with large breasts who is clean and enjoys intimacy with one man. The positions I like are missionary, from behind, and the mutually beneficial sixty-nine. I am a courteous lover who gains a lot of pleasure by making my lover orgasm before I have mine. It arouses me to make my partner happy and to hear them enjoying what I am doing for them. That is what truly arouses me. It is against my nature to want to hurt, humiliate, or demean them in anyway whatsoever and for the few women I have made love to, this is verifiable. I do not believe in promiscuity and have never been a person who has sought out a one-night stand or instant gratification through a prostitute or at a club. I enjoy making love.

To generalize porn and condemn men who look at it is not giving them a chance to explain its purpose to them. For me porn is simple. I usually go to online and find a beautiful busty woman who is being pleased by an attractive yet normal looking male or I will just watch a beautiful woman please herself. I am not aroused by the penetration shots that always exist but unless I start making my own porn, I am left to what is there. I enjoy myself and then I am done. Porn doesn't ridicule me, it doesn't break up with me or play guilt trips, it doesn't cheat on me, and it doesn't cause me mental anguish. In fact, it has taught me about love making. Ask any woman I have been with my talents with cunnilingus and you would hear tales of multiple orgasms and ecstasy. I am a giver in the bedroom. In fact, the only video I have ever made has me performing oral sex on my lover 75% more than she performed on me. Porn has not taught me to do anything that would be considered distasteful to women and it has only enhanced my ability as a lover when that opportunity presents itself.

Being that I am 43 years old and have had only a handful of lovers (quality over quantity) I can say that it is absolutely not the horror many make it out to be. But I don't deny that there are many personalities out there that have illnesses with porn just as there are over eaters, drug abusers, gambling addicts, alcoholics and the list goes on. Just because someone looks at porn does not make them an addict, nor does it make them "sick". I have a daughter who is very young and I would prefer to be single for the rest of her childhood than be a serial dater bringing women in and out of her life and for her to experience the instability that goes along with multiple relationships which is what her mother is doing to her. I get chastised for looking at porn but where is the voice speaking up about living with several men in a 8 month period?

It makes no sense to me that people should be chastised for something they do in the privacy of their own space and yet so many seriously detrimental behaviors are exposed for the entire world to see on our billboards, television and movies. Celebrities have used porn to enhance their status, men have written books about their sexual conquests and women use their bodies for material gain. In the military being unfaithful is a pastime for both parties it seems and a half hazard morality exists in our Government. Women write stories about their ex who was addicted to porn and men have been the scapegoat for all when it comes to this subject. If I had the ability to just make a pepperoni porn site I would but until I do that it is time that people stop generalizing this word. It's not as bad as you make it out to be.


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