Michael Vick to Open Chain of Dog Obedience Schools
It’s Sunday. You and your friends are gearing up to watch the 49er’s get hammered by any other team but you’ve got a problem. It’s not the party snacks, you’ve got that covered with a spread that could leave an NFL locker room breathless. It’s not the TV because you just dropped $59,000.00 on your 100″ SONY . It’s not even the wife because she went over to comfort an old friend who’s feeling down. No, you’re problem is the Pit Bull that your wife thought would be fun to bring home. The Pit Bull that has broken down doors, that has chewed up thousands in shoes, thousands in furniture, thousands in carpet and has done nothing to enhance anyone’s life in your domicile. Enter Michael Vick. Newly retired, Michael was looking for a venture that would capitalize on both his name and skills. Since the “Michael Vick School for Dog Fighting” is no longer being considered, he knew there was still a way he could incorporate his love for animals into a business venture...